Community News

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, French pôle de compétitivité reaching European excellence !

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, French pôle de compétitivité reaching European excellence ! Unique network dedicated to innovation in the agri-food sector in South-Western France Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is proud to announce that it has been awarded the "European Gold Label of Cluster Management...
Community News

Packaging Cluster renews its GOLD LABEL accreditation for cluster management

The ESCA - European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis - awards the Gold Label recognition to entities that carry out good cluster management More than 30 different indicators are assessed to audit excellent governance In 2020, the Packaging Cluster obtained the Gold Label certificate for the first...
Community News

A label for the deployment of Valorial's European strategy!

Valorial is awarded « European Gold Label of Cluster Management Excellence » and confirms its European development! As the leading network dedicated to agri-food innovation, Valorial is proud to announce that it has been awarded “European Gold Label of Cluster Management Excellence” recognised by...

ESCA: New Eligibility Criteria for Cluster Management Excellence Labels

The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is happy to announce the implementation of the first results of the concluded “ European Cluster Excellence Initiative – Phase 2”. Main feature is the introduction of a set of “ Eligibility Criteria for Cluster Management Excellence Labels”. As of...

Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube region

ESCA, the European Sercretariat for Cluster Analysis has just released the study Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube region, dedicated to the current status of cluster management excellence in Europe, authored by Helmut Kergel, Dr. Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Michael Nerger and Dr. Oliver Ziegler...

Launch of the 2nd phase of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative

The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is pleased to announce the official start of the Second Phase of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI II). ECEI II is the result of an intensive discussion with the European Commission about the further development of the Cluster...

Potential analysis for cooperation between industry and research

The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) of VDI / VDE Innovation + Technology in collaboration with INNO AG has carried out an analysis for bilateral cooperation potential between Germany and the EU-13 countries, which have joined the EU since 2004 (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech...

ESCA Benchmarking Expert Training: September 19-21 2017

Training: ESCA expert for the benchmarking of cluster organisations, September 19-21, 2017 & 5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference in Stuttgart (Germany) Cluster benchmarking interviews are conducted by specifically trained ESCA benchmarking experts. After such a theoretic and practical training the...

How to become an ESCA expert for the benchmarking of cluster organisations

ESCA - The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis promotes cluster management excellence through benchmarking and labelling of cluster management organisations. The cluster benchmarking interviews are conducted by specifically trained ESCA benchmarking experts. On March 2-3, 2017 ESCA will...

Call for Proposals: ESCA Benchmarking experts and Silver, Gold Label Auditors

CLUSTEM Project – Invitation to supply an expertise service for benchmarking activities of industrial clusters – ESCA Expert(s) Recruitment for Clusters Benchmarking Publication reference: CLUSTEM/BENCHMARKING/01/2016 Programme: COSME Countries: Turkey, Italy, Spain United Kingdom Duration and...

8 Romanian “Silver Clusters”

As a result of the evaluation performed by the ESCA experts in the period November 2015 – January 2016, 8 Romanian cluster organisations were awarded the Silver Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative for cluster management: Transylvanian Furniture Cluster (North West Region), Agro...