Community News
The establishment of SkyPort
The new educational facility is the result of collaboration between the Vocational Training Center in Katowice (the project leader), the Silesian Aviation Cluster (the business partner), and the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering (the scientific partner)...
XR2Learn Open Call 1
XR2Learn is offering EUR 4.2M equity-free funding, as well as business development and technical support via 2 Open Calls focused on delivering human-centric XR applications in education. The accepted applicants can expect the following benefits: . 150,000€ to 300,000€ per sub-project . Business...
Community News
New ASSETs+ Courses on 5G and Performance Calculation. Register now!
Currently, more than three-quarters of companies in the European Union report difficulties in finding workers with the necessary skills, while only 37% of adults participate in regular training. The Defence sector is no exception to this trend. The rapid pace of technological evolution is...
Community News
Are you interested in learning new skills related to key emerging technologies in Defence?
Currently, more than three quarters of companies in the EU say they have difficulties finding workers with the necessary skills, while only 37% of adults undertake training on a regular basis. The Defence sector is no exception. The fast pace of technological evolution is radically changing the...
Extra €200m for Erasmus+ projects in 2020
The European Commission has approved an additional €200 million of funding under its Erasmus+ programme this year in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic has had a disruptive impact on education and training, with new ways of teaching and learning requiring innovative, creative and...
Cluster Manager Education Programme to boost knowledge and skills
This autumn cluster managers from the Baltic Sea region will gather to develop their competencies and gain new skills in a brand new international Cluster Manager Education Programme. Seven representatives from Lithuanian clusters are among the 26 selected. The Erasmus + project fills an obvious gap...
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills
Following the 2019 Seminar: Blueprint in the Spotlight, organised by DG EMPL in close cooperation with DGs GROW, MARE, REGIO and RTD as well as the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), where the nine on-going projects from 2017 and 2018 and the six new Blueprint projects...
Skills for Industry: Scaling-up Best practices and re-Focusing Programmes and Incentives
The publication, prepared by empirica GmbH on behalf of EASME under the service contract “High-Tech Skills for Europe – Scaling-up Best Practices and re-Focusing Funding Programmes and Incentives” (, analyses the funding models of education and training programmes...
Call For Proposals 2019 — EAC/A03/2018 — Erasmus+ Programme
This call for proposals is based on the Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing ‘Erasmus+’: the Union Programme for education, training, youth and sport and repealing Decisions No 1719/2006/EC, No 1720/2006/EC and No 1298/2008/EC as...
Erasmus+: an expected budget of €3 billion to be invested in young Europeans and to help create European Universities in 2019
For 2019, funds available for Erasmus+ are expected to increase by €300 million or 10% compared to 2018. Yesterday, the Commission published its 2019 call for proposals for the Erasmus+ programme. From an expected budget of €3 billion for next year, €30 million has been set aside for dedicated...
AEICE´s commitment with UN Sustainable Development Goals
AEICE has actively participated in the Ibero-American Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals, held in Salamanca on June 27, 28 and 29. The so-called SDGs are included in the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations in September 2015, and address the greatest challenges facing the planet...
Colombia creates the first Cluster of Education in the Coffee Region
Colombia is amongst the countries that have embraced the concept of cluster to boost their economy. Thriving on this concept, the country has launched the Cluster of Education in the Coffee Region, as reported in La Republica. The Cluster of Education gathers five universities located in five cities...