

SecurIT First Open Call

Are you an EU cluster or SME developing IT security solutions? The SecurIT project aims to address gaps in the European security industry through innovative solutions. In this context the project has launched its first open call. The project will select up to 21 projects to develop new prototypes or...

Join the Women4Cyber Registry

Unlike many digital awareness initiatives for women which focus on the general ICT sector, ECSO’s Women4Cyber initiative targets the cybersecurity field. It goes beyond awareness and networking and aims to develop a concrete agenda to meet the growing demand for cybersecurity professionals in Europe...

EU SPATIAL Project Aims to Create Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

The newly adopted Recovery and Resilience Facility has earmarked €134 billion for the EU’s digital transition. Part of this budget will enable the EU to become a global leader in cutting-edge, trustworthy AI. The European approach to artificial intelligence (AI) should help to build a resilient...
Community News

Scam Alert: Please be aware of phishing email "ECA --> Delegates Logistics Support Request"

The European Clusters Alliance has received notification about circulating phishing emails that use the name of ECA´s president Antonio Novo Guerrero as the sender - even though the used email address is a gmail account - and ask for a money transfer in the name of ECA. Please be cautious and aware...

Call for Proposal - Open Source Experience Event

The French Competitiveness Cluster Systematic Paris Region is organizing the 3 rd Open Source Experience Event. It will take place on 6 and 7 December in Paris. For the third edition of this unmissable European event, we have decided to focus on IT security. Every day in this field, the news shows...
Community News

"Hack4reSTART Torino: Manufacturing meet technology" took place from 23 to 24 February in Torino, Italy

Almost 80 on-site participants, 30 online attendees, 7 working groups, 2 keynote speakers and 2 funding opportunities workshops. All these numbers sum up to a SUCCESS. Hack4reSTART Torino (24-25 February) happened to be a very valuable event both for traditional manufacturing SMEs and for tech-savvy...
Community News

SecurIT project launches its 2nd Open Call

• The SecurIT has launched its 2nd and final open call for SME consortia to carry out prototypes and demonstrators with security applications! Applications are expected to solve security challenges in 3 key domains identified by SecurIT : sensitive infrastructure protection, disaster resilience and...
Community News

1st batch of SecurIT funded projects -21 innovations for more secured, safe and resilient Smart Cities and Territories

The ultimate goal of the EU H2020 funded project SecurIT is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions in a new global competitive industrial (& service) value chain SecurIT website :
Community News

SmartCommunities Conference 2022 - 10/06/2022: Call4Speakers is OPEN!

The SmartCommunities Conference is the Italian event dedicated to the promotion of the best innovation solutions for more resilient and intelligent communities. On its second edition it will be focused on the topic Future and Sustainable Communities, and will present solutions, project and ideas...
Community News

BRILLIANT - Online Master Class on Digital Cyber Security

The BRILLIANT Consortium invites cluster managers and SMEs to the project online Masterclass Digital Cyber Security on the 4th of May 2022 from 10.00 am to 13:00 pm CET. The masterclass is organized by our Hungarian partner - MIENK Cluster in cooperation with the cybersecurity experts from the...

Community News

PUZZLE Validation Contracts CALL of 10.000 euros is LAUNCHED

Cybersecurity is a complex and fast-evolving field, security professionals and experts working for SMEs & MEs need constant learning. H2020 PUZZLE project’s novel approach of providing cybersecurity services through a marketplace, easy to adopt and deploy within SMEs&MEs network and computational...

Community News


Companies are nowadays experiencing cyber-attacks on a daily basis. A cyber-attack can cost them on average €25,000. Smaller businesses are often targeted and hit harder, suffering repeat attacks which can lead to damaged reputations and potential closure. Despite this, cybersecurity is still often...