cluster financing


Connecting Nordic clusters

40 Nordic clusters met in Copenhagen to discuss smart mobility and connectivity, collaborations and learn from each other. On November 1st, 2018 40 clusters from all the Nordic countries had taken the trip to sunny Copenhagen to participate in the Nordic Cluster Meet UP 2018 hosted by Nordic...

A new start for clusters in the The Republic of Moldova

The 10th and respectively the 11th of September mark the birth of 2 Moldavian clusters: Cahul Creative Cluster, in Cahul, the South of the Republic and SORINTEX – a textile cluster in Soroca, in the North of the country. The official signing of the cluster agreements represents the end of an 1 year...

From Public Financing to Public Investment – A Summary of “Sustainable Financing of Cluster Initiatives” Webinar with Gerd Meier zu Kocker

Following the interest expressed by the ECCP cluster community to discuss themes of real interest in a facilitated dialogue with experts, the first ECCP Expert Talks Webinar took place on 4.12.2017, addressing the issue of the funding mix for cluster organisations. The presentation “ Sustainable...