cluster digitalisation
Community News
A BRIGHT Future: The Uppsala Cluster Study Visit
A BRIGHT Future for Uppsala – The Uppsala Cluster Visit In October, STUNS Life science hosted the second cluster study visit of the BRIGHT project. During the visit, the idea was to promote the project to the ecosystem in Uppsala, Sweden, but also to promote the ecosystem to the partners of BRIGHT...
Community News
Life Science digital maturity - where do we go from here?
Life science as a field is changing rapidly. Where the natural sciences, pharmacy, and medicine played a large role in the past, engineering, data management, and interfaces have become increasingly important. From the wet lab bench to the virtual in silico environment, both experiments and analysis...
Community News
Join us for SuperEcosystem's European Week of Regions and Cities Side Event!
Theme: “How ecosystems and clusters integrate green and digital transition” When: Friday October 28, 2022 9:00-17:00 EEST (Lakeland Dinner 19:00-21:00 EEST). See the invitation for session times. Where: Hybrid – Zoom and on site at Savonia University of Applied Science’s Kuopio Campus (“Campus Heart...
Community News
Two new European projects to maximize impact of innovation in BioRegion of Catalonia
Biocat has started working, in conjunction with partners all over Europe, on the European BRIGHT and INNAXE projects to maximize the impact of innovation generated in the BioRegion and align the organization’s strategy with current European and international trends in the life sciences and...
Community News
Bulgarian Fashion association part of a new cluster alliance promoting green and digital transition for the fashion industry
CLOTH project - CLuster Alliance fOr the Transition to green and digital fasHion - is the newest european alliance within the Fashion sector, aiming to create a favorable ecosystem of relevant stakeholders, from a cross-sectoral perspective, that lead to a greener, smarter and more competitive and...
Community News
The INNO Industry project travels to Portugal for its last Study Visit
On November 16th and 17th, the consortium of the INNO Industry project traveled to Fundaõ to carry out the study visit in Portugal that was planned as part of the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of Industry 4.0. Partners were able to bring along half a dozen stakeholders who...
Community News
CTA launches conneCTA, a new open innovation platform to promote R&D collaboration
Companies, start-ups, universities, technology centres, institutions and any innovative entity can publish their technological offers and needs, and their innovation challenges to find the most suitable technological partner. The platform suggests offers and requests that fit the participant's needs...
ECCP capacity-building webinar on cluster digitalisation
Summary of the Digitalisation of Cluster Services and Activities webinar on 28 October 2020. As part of a series of capacity-building webinars, the event focused on how the COVID-19 pandemic has driven digitalisation in 2020 and how clusters have adapted. While digitalisation has brought risks, it...
Danish experts to present latest e-book at ECCP webinar on cluster digitalisation
There will be a chance to hear from two Danish experts about their latest publication when the ECCP stages its next cluster capacity building webinar on 28 October (10.30-12.30 CET). Kaspar Nielsen and Charlotte Lysgaard, of Cluster Excellence Denmark, have jointly written the e-book ‘Digitalisation...
Register now for ECCP capacity building webinar on cluster digitalisation
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is holding a cluster capacity building webinar on 28 October 2020 (10.30-12.30 CET) to discuss how clusters can go digital. This webinar ‘Digitalisation of Cluster Services and Activities’ will focus on peer-to-peer learning about how cluster services and...
Realignment of the Austrian National Cluster Platform and first cluster day on 4 July 2019
At the beginning of 2019 Stefan Buchinger from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs assumed responsibility for the Austrian National Cluster Platform. In the course of the intensive exchange with cluster actors at federal and state level and the new steering committee, the...