cluster day
Second Cluster Day of the Austrian National Cluster Platform on 16th October 2019
On 16 October 2019, the second Cluster Day of the National Cluster Platform took place in Vienna at aws (Austria Wirtschaftsservice). In the morning, the focus was on a follow-up to the first Cluster Day with short reports of the respective session-leaders as well as on inputs from the federal...
First Cluster Day of the Austrian National Cluster platform on 4th July 2019
On 4 th July 2019, the first Cluster Day of the National Cluster platform took place in the BMDW with a total of 87 participants. In the morning, the focus was on the Federal Governments industrial strategy and key issues of the IPCEI (Important Project of Common Interest) as well as pilot measures...
Realignment of the Austrian National Cluster Platform and first cluster day on 4 July 2019
At the beginning of 2019 Stefan Buchinger from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs assumed responsibility for the Austrian National Cluster Platform. In the course of the intensive exchange with cluster actors at federal and state level and the new steering committee, the...