call for EoI
Community News
EU-ALLIANCE Launching event presentation
Are you developing in the Defence or Security markets? Are you looking to increase your international development? Access the opportunities generated by EU-ALLIANCE : 1. Access the presentation made during the launching event of the project on November 25, 2021 when we presented the project and the...
Call for Expression of Interest: Thematic experts for the preparation of the new 'Interreg NEXT MED' Operational Programme
Deadline for applications: 23 March 2020. ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin 2014-2020 is a EU co-financed programme part of the cross-border cooperation component within the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), bringing together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of...
Call for expressions of interest - Pilot living labs at the JRC
Deadline for application: 31 December 2020. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) - the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy - launched a call for expressions of...
COSME programme supporting SMEs in Creativity and Innovation in the light industry sectors: textile/footwear/leather - The initiative European Light Industries Innovation and Technology project (ELIIT)
Deadline of the call - 17 March 2020 17:00 CET Are you an SME working in the textile, clothing, leather or footwear (TCLF) sectors? Do you aim to integrate new and disruptive technologies to your business and need support throughout the process? The ‘ELIIT Project’, co-funded by COSME, supports TCLF...
Call for expression of interest for Regional and National Authorities to participate in future Peer eXchange and Learning (PXL) workshops
The Peer eXchange and Learning (PXL) workshops will provide a setting for open discussions among peers on common implementation challenges. Through exchanges of experience, comments and suggestions from JRC staff, peers and experts, the workshops will help regional and national authorities identify...