best practices
Community News
Digital Health Start-up Stories: Imaz Technology, an example of flexibility in front of challenges
Along the years Biocat has observed that in our sector companies and innovators need often value highly the experiences of others that walked their same path previously. In the committment of BRIGHT to contribute in the digital transformation of the life sciences and health sector, we start today...
Support programme
Best practice examples for energy consumption reduction
Myenergy, Luxembourg’s national structure for the promotion of a sustainable energy transition, focuses on its activities on the reduction of energy consumption, the promotion of sustainable energies and sustainable construction. myenergy accompanies all actors in their efforts for an efficient...
Support programme
The Centre for Resource Efficiency in Sweden (CERISE)
The Centre for Resource Efficiency in Sweden (CERISE) involves companies, authorities and research institutes. The Centre’s objective is to contribute to industries’ efforts to increase resource efficiency (reduction in the use of resources and increased material efficiency); improved energy...
Support programme
NetRegs is a website set up to help small businesses in Scotland and Northern Ireland become more environmentally aware. It has been developed by a partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) in Northern Ireland...
Support programme
SUBSPORT - Substitution Support Portal
SUBSPORT is a comprehensive portal offering information on products and technologies for evaluating, reducing or substituting hazardous chemical use. It is a useful tool for companies wanting to meet requirements under EU REACH legislation, and a valuable resource for authorities, environmental and...
Support programme
Green Ideas for Tourism in Europe
Green Ideas for Tourism is a project that developed an educational tool in a field of sustainable tourism. The tool helps tourism stakeholders keep up to date with the latest developments in the circular economy, blue economy and other cradle-to-cradle, resource efficiency and environmental...
Support programme
Companies Network in Corsica
In Corsica, Ademe has set up a network of thematic experts to guide companies interested in sustainable development practices. Coordinated by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), there are three to six experts available per thematic area: circular economy, environment, waste, energy, and...
Support programme
Toolbox for Enterprises
Toolbox for Enterprises is a tool for businesses to assess, in particular, their energy savings potential. It consists of a catalogue of energy efficiency measures for energy, IT equipment, transport and processes. In the last category, a few measures on material efficiency, waste and emissions are...
Support programme
Business4Climate+ is an enterprise-level GHG reduction initiative that provides Cypriot businesses with the tools to identify greenhouse gas emissions from their activities. Building on the Business4Climate project, it also helps businesses draw up an action plan for GHG emissions reduction, and...
Support programme
Cyprus Circular Economy Platform
The “Cyprus Circular Economy Platform” aims to collect circular economy good practices and events from all across Cyprus and all stakeholders that can contribute to the transition to a circular economy. If you are an industry, enterprise, local authority, public body, association, NGO etc and you...
Support programme
UCM - Cellule eco-conception
UCM is the main French-speaking employers’ organisation in Belgium, involved in defending the self-employed and business leaders. UCM offers a diverse range of services to SMEs, from business development to HR management and social services. Ten years ago, they created an eco-design unit, which...
Support programme
Recycle Buildings!
Recycle Buildings! is a web portal providing information about recycling and the use of secondary materials in construction. It is made up of two main sections: Catalogue of secondary raw materials – arising from the recycling of waste materials during construction, demolition or reconstruction of a...