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International Cooperation
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Christiane Egger is the manager of the Oekoenergie-Cluster (OEC), the Sustainable Energy Cluster of Upper Austria. She is also deputy manager of the OÖ Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper
Best practices
Rock the cradle Specialist firm goes all the way in cradle-to-cradle thinking, design philosophy and manfacture for lab installations Develops range of lab furniture that meets C2C Product
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Pioneering spirit... Carpet tile-maker sets out to reduce its environmental impact Launches recycled nylon line and expands it to many colour combinations Interface is a global manufacturer of
Best practices
What one company or sector considers a residue, byproduct or waste, another company or industrial sector only sees potential raw materials. More and more industries are trying to transform their waste
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Rethinking carbon Biological conversion of waste carbon from industrial processes Transforming it into useful commodities and fuel LanzaTech is revolutionising the way the world thinks about
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The human factor Working together for a common good is at the heart of symbiotic relationships in businesses too Long-term success thanks to the commitment of the companies and all staff involved 
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Packaging inspired by sea urchins Company sets up a business model to create packaging out of plastic marine debris Pioneering recycling process for plastic marine debris is developed Method, a
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Green labelling, also known as 'Ecolabelling', is a recognised scheme for businesses to communicate the environmental credentials of products they put on the market. The Ecolabel stimulates the market
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Unique selling point for 'green' biotech Growing bio and chemical business built around respect for environment Pioneering efforts to obtain certification and push for greener alternatives Ecolab
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Opening sustainable salvo a success   Environmental declaration by large marine accessories producer Part of wider strategy to raise awareness of sustainable production Vicinay Cadenas is the
Best practices
The sunburnt country... an apple story State-supported, water-efficient overhead misting system saves sensitive fruits from the harsh Australian sun Losses from sunburnt apples reduced by 80 %