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Dr Higgins has over 45 years of experience in the chemistry based process industries in technical, commercial and leadership roles. He set up the NEPIC Cluster in 2003 and it now has over 700
As a result of the evaluation performed by the ESCA experts in the period November 2015 – January 2016, 8 Romanian cluster organisations were awarded the Silver Label of the European Cluster
Cluster Organisation
International Cooperation
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Best practices
Proud to be labelled Eco-awareness leads to savings in electricity, water, gas 1 million kWh of electicity and 2.3 million kWh of gas saved in 8 years Paper and plastics use all significantly
Best practices
In Bruges ...  Reduced plastics use 20 % less waste over five-year period Hotel Fevery is a small family-run hotel located in the medieval city of Bruges which became the first fully Belgian
Best practices
Thinking green from day one Environmental awareness-training decreases energy consumption by 80 kWh per tonne of output Training covers a range of subjects including energy management, waste
Best practices
Smarter farming saves power Audit reveals changes in equipment and practices to save energy Device for varying milking speed reduces electricity use by 20 % Heat recovery and improvements to milk
Best practices
Organisations in both the public and private sectors are increasingly aware of the need to train staff in energy efficient behaviour and operations. SMEs are beginning to follow suit, realising that
Best practices
Sustainable packaging may include packaging made from recycled (e.g. paper, plastic) or bio-based materials, reusable packaging, take-back schemes, etc. In order to save resources in line with
Best practices
Biopolymer, the 'whey' forward Innovative EU project develops whey protein-based polymer  New 'green' product performs as well as traditional plastics but can be easily recycled  An EU-funded
Best practices
Greening the paper trail  A company providing paper, visual communication and packaging decided to improve its CSR strategy It developed an eco-analysis tool to communicate the benefits of