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The first out of four matchmaking missions planned for 2016 by Low Carbon Business Action in Brazil is forecasted for August, 8 to 12.  The mission will deal with Energy Efficiency in Buildings.  A
Low Carbon, Brazil, Matchmaking Event
Cluster Organisation
Cluster Organisation
Plastipolis took part in the EU-US cluster matchmaking event organized by ECCP on April 25th and 26th during Hannover Messe.   It was a great opportunity to meet with US counterparts from Ohio
Cluster Organisation
Community News
La iniciativa, que se presentó el 26 de Abril de 2016 en el Auditorio Miguel Delibes de Valladolid, cuenta con el apoyo de más de 50 entidades públicas y privadas de España y Portugal, así como de la
National Association of Clusters
Meta Clusters & Network of Clusters,  info [at] (info[at]clusterhouse[dot]rs) The Cluster House, as an innovative business development organization for support to cluster –based economic development in the Balkan and Black Sea
The European Strategic Cluster Partnership Go International "Mobility Goes International" (MobiGoIn) works for European companies (specially SMEs) that develop solutions in the Smart Mobility field
Internationalisation, Survey, SMEs
Cluster Organisation
Members of Cluster Organisation
Members of Cluster Organisation