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Best practices
Case for metal halide lamps  Fitting and lamp replacement with metal halide lamps; a highly efficient source, typically 80 lumens per watt covering a very large range of power ratings, with a
Best practices
Case for T8s Direct lamp replacement with energy efficient T8 fluorescents, which offer up to 22 % energy savings compared to standard 32 W T8 lamps. Making lighting energy efficient can help a
Best practices
Case for LED luminaires Fitting and lamp replacement with 19 W LED luminaires. LEDs have a very long life (typically 50 000 hours) which calls for less maintenance and replacement costs. Making
Best practices
Case for LED panels Fitting and lamp replacement with LED panel. LED panels have the advantage, over fluorescent lighting, to have a very long life and to eliminate hazardous waste from the lighting
Best practices
Case for T8 luminaires Ballast and lamp replacement with T8 luminaires. The advantages of T8 luminaires include reduced maintenance costs (by extending the revamping cycle) and better environmental
Cluster Organisation
Best practices
Case for T5 lamps Fitting and lamp replacement with 14 W T5s. These lamps are ideal for high-bay or commercial troffer applications. They benefit from long life, maintenance is hassle-free, and they
Best practices
The case for LEDs Direct lamp replacement by 9 W light emitting diodes, or LEDs, which are energy efficient, ecologically friendly, low-voltage, and have a long life, higher application efficiency
Best practices
Efficient lighting… the case for condensed fluorescents It may seem obvious, but sometimes the simplest solutions can make a big different in the short-term. Replacing lamps usually takes no special
Best practices
Water-saving valves, a simple efficiency measure for SMEs too Regular hand-washing is hygienic, and stops the spread of viruses and bacteria. But all that washing can use a lot of water. Installing
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