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Members of Cluster Organisation
Community Event
METASTARS organises three training sessions on Soft Skills intended for european clusters. It is open to all cluster in the aerospace and defence sectors, as well as clusters in interconnected
Members of Cluster Organisation
Community News
We are pleased to announce that NATURE ET CONFORT has been awarded under the SILEO 1st Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects!👌 Nature et Confort, is a French SME located near Lyon
Members of Cluster Organisation
Members of Cluster Organisation
Members of Cluster Organisation
Community News
LAST CALL FOR ELCA'S SMES! Within ICBUILD project, we are organizing an international mission to Toronto from 29 November to 01 December 2023 aims at exploring Canadian market, including market entry
Cluster Go International, Cluster internationalisation
Community News
The third in-person interregional DEBUTING meeting took place 10-11 October in Strasbourg, France, where altogether more than 40 people - representing DEBUTING project partners, stakeholders, and the
Clusters, gender, inclusion, Interreg Europe
Community News
We encourage you to participate in the project „The Quick Challenge-Driven, Human-Centred Co-Creation Mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations”, acronym INDUSAC, which: ☑ focusses on industrial
Community News
Estonia, a small yet mighty country nestled in Northern Europe, has been making waves in the world of innovation and technology. It’s a place where the mythical meets the digital, and where government