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Members of Cluster Organisation
Community News
Community Event
RESIST Eurocluster is organising the event "RESIST Funding Opportunities" scheduled for November 21, 2023. This event is aimed to inform the Mobility, Transport, and Automotive ecosystem of the
Community Event
Special invitation to SMEs operating in the food processing sector to participate in an industry-defining gathering, the 1st Cross regional Event, under the #HIGHFIVE project. This unique symposium is
Members of Cluster Organisation
Members of Cluster Organisation
Cluster Organisation
Community News
As part of the activities of the Penelope Project, we have conducted 19 interviews with cluster policy makers, cluster managers, companies in our effort to gather knowledge across Europe on how gender
Meta Clusters & Network of Clusters
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
The overall goal of “enHancing dIgital and Green growtH in the Food processing industry via Interregional innoVation invEstments” (HIGHFIVE) is to foster, enable and facilitate SME targeted and
Community Event
Dear Sir/Madam, In the context of collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network centers and the Digital Economy Lab of the University of Warsaw, we have once again been invited to co-organize and
Community Event
Dear Sir/Madam, Sinotaic - Polish AI & IoT Cluster, as the leader of the EDIH Smart Secure Cities, invites you to participate in the International Workshop "Smart Cities and Smart Regions" organized