CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace continues with the first technical session on digital solutions for integrated industrial management
More than 150 participants have already registered to the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace: Towards industry 4.0 in the textile industry which started on January 20th and will last until February 24th with a total of 6 webinars and 6 matchmaking sessions.
The event is organized by the European Cluster Strategic Partnership for Excellence, CLAMTEX - Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and Textile Industry. Last week webinar started the technical series of opportunities marketplace on digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry.
Last week webinar focused on digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry. Firstly, the Valencian textile company MLS 1992 presented a success story on how to integrate technology in a traditional sector.
The second part of the webinar focused on textile experiences and future challenges to boost digitalization in industrial management. FINSA presented their status and needs on integrated industrial management. Then, CCG continued with a presentation about data science approach to fabric development.
The last part of the webinar focused on different solutions from advanced manufacturing companies including CERVVAL presentation on digital twin and planning 4D: optimization, project management, maintenance and collaboration all life cycle, and SISTRADE presentation on building path to Industry 4.0 and new generation of SCADA. After the webinar, participants had the chance to organize B2B meetings through the online platform.
This week's webinar will focus on “Automation and sensitization solutions for performance improvement” (Feb 3rd), followed by “Robots in industry” (Feb 10th) and “The potential of virtual reality in industry” (Feb 17th). Lastly, the Virtual Marketplace series will conclude on February 24th with presentations of funding opportunities with featured talks from the European Commission about Horizon Europe, Single Market Program and EIC; the EIT Manufacturing, GALACTICA and ELIIT funding opportunities for SMEs.
In case you missed it, you can watch the previous webinars:
- Day 1: Towards Industry 4.0
- Day 2: Digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry:
Registration is still open for the upcoming sessions:
The CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace is part of the ClusterXchange program implemented by CLAMTEX with EU-TEXTILE2030 EEIG as host to foster cross-regional collaboration among cluster members.