Vanguard Initiative ADMA Energy Pilot
The pilot action inside Vanguard Inititative (VI), the ADMA Energy pilot, was launched in June 2014 with the objective to make the EU a global leader in manufacturing robust high integrity components for marine renewables and offshore energy applications. In particular, the Pilot aims to help medium and large(r) companies strengthen their supply chains by working with innovative SMEs and provide smaller companies with new, high-demand customers to grow their businesses. This will be achieved by building a strong network across those regions of Europe with a relevant smart specialisation. In turn, this network will support collaborations between enterprises, research centres and specialist support infrastructure, creating a pan-European ecosystem to stimulate the development of innovative products and services.
This initiative is led by the Basque Country and Scotland, and 11 other European regions take part: Asturias, Andalucía, Dalarna, Emilia-Romagna, Flanders, Lombardia, Navarra, Norte, Ostrobothnia, Skane and Syddanmark.
Since its launch in 2014, the ADMA Energy Pilot has undertaken several activities under the framework of the “learn” and “connect” steps of the VI methodology. These activities have helped better understand the market areas challenges and needs, and put together a sound network of engaged actors from the policy and private sector.
To overcome the described industrial challenge, there is a clear need to strengthen industrial leadership in the EU by reinforcing existing value chains and by stimulating the creation of new globally competitive ones that integrate innovative solutions, and accelerate the development of emerging industries. With that objetcive, ADMA Energy is developing a 3-level methodology for connecting main stakeholders (Connecting Facilities, Connecting Customers, Connecting Partners) that can be easily shared with the regions and clusters active in offshore energy, through the creation of an European Strategic Cluster PArtnership (ESCP) to allow for a lively debate on the needs of the industry and the policy framework related to the RIS3 with Offshore Energy as a priority.
We understand the Vanguard Inititiative ADMA Energy pilot ESCP as a dynamic space where clusters interested in the thematic can collaborate. As a starting point for the discussion, the ADMA Energy pilot can present the industrial challenges identified that are faced by companies and potential technology fields to play a major role in tackling these industrial challenges. Concrete activities will emerge from these discussions amongst specific thematic activities along the three Connecting action lines mentioned above.
This partnership counts on the support of the regional governments of the partners involved that assure that the topic tackled by this initiative is in line with with their respective Smart Strategies Strategies and commit themselves to engage with the stakeholder group and be willing to exchange the experience with other institutions in Europe, as shown in the 10 letters of commitment attached