S3 Partnership - Cyber Secure IoT Lighting and Home Automation systems for Smart Building
Expression of Interest
We are representing a group of European Clusters with a common intent to form an European Strategic Partnership (ESCP) with complementary expertise in the smart building sector.
The project aims to stimulate a cross-regional collaboration among clusters based in regions with similar S3 smart specializations; specifically: Veneto (IT), Cataluña (ES), Ile de France (FR) Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FR), Centro (PT), Slovenia (SI)
Title of the prospective partnership
Target sectors, technology fields and smart specialisation priority areas
Together we want to create a cross-sectoral network of SMEs working all along the complete value chain of the smart building sector to allow the IoT opportunities thank to the cybersecurity protocols mainly in the digital lighting.
As one of the most densely distributed elements within the built environment, lighting fixtures provide, in fact, the ideal platform for gathering essential data about what is happenings in the workplace or at home.
The technology fields that are involved in this project are:
- digital lighting
- home automation
- building industries
- big data analysis
- cyber security protocols
Huge benefits of this cooperation may result in many fields connected with the IoT technologies:
- commerce (end user experience, retailer experience, better utilization of stock, footfall analytics)
- building (better use of spaces, maintenance improvement, usage insights)
- city (parking management, reduced maintenance)
The smart specialisation priority areas are: Sustainable Living / ICT and IoT / Sustainable Industrial solutions / sustainable manufacturing and living / Energy / Industry of the Future /Smart cities.
Under the S3 strategies the clusters will cooperate with regional stakeholders in a common pattern concerning the support to these smart specialisation priorities.
Clusters associated to the partnering
- RETE DI IMPRESE LUCE IN VENETO (Italy – Veneto Region)
Cluster presentation
RI LIV is an innovative cluster that groups 50 SMEs which are all part of the supply chain related to the lighting industry offering an extensive choice and selection of lighting products. Together, working towards and striving, to assert the design and quality of Made in Italy on the world market.
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
In the context of the EU Cohesion policies 2014-2020 the Veneto Region (Italy) drew up its research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialization place-based. It has identified, in particular, 4 Smart Specializations: agri-food, creative, smart manufacturing and sustainable living (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/ith3/tags/ith3).
The Veneto Region officially recognized Luce in Veneto LIV (www.luceinveneto.com) as legal entity in charge of promoting new projects on the SMART LIGHTING for the local high relevance of this sector in the SUSTAINABLE LIVING Smart Specialization.
Alberto Sozza – www.luceinveneto.com – alberto.sozza@luceinveneto.com
- SUSTAINABLE HABITAT CLUSTER (Portugal – Centro Region)
Cluster presentation
The Sustainable Habitat Cluster in Portugal is a very broad cluster since it covers the Habitat value chain involving areas from the extractive sector to construction materials, as well as construction and rehabilitation and also other activities involving suppliers of goods and equipment for the built environment (Habitat). The entities forming this Cluster intend to create synergies for the development of new products, technologies and building systems, a new practice in designing space and surrounding areas, leading to an attitude of innovation through sustainability, aiming to generate competitiveness. This cluster has adopted the subject of Sustainability as a dynamic factor to its strategic development, aiming to contribute for a more "Sustainable Habitat". Sustainability is the driving force for innovation and the desired competitiveness of the cluster members, with impact on economic, social and environmental aspects. While, in the national market, the strategic interventions are mainly related to rehabilitation, conservation and qualification of the built heritage, in the international market, especially in developing countries, the prospect is related to construction in general (buildings, cities, infrastructures). In both markets, the statement of a specialization in sustainable construction by companies and other cluster agents aims to be an element of differentiation, generating factors of international competitiveness.
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
In the context of the EU Cohesion policies 2014-2020 the Center and North regions in Portugal drew up its research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialization. The Habitat Cluster has developed a lot of work particularly in the centeer region where is located its headquarters. The Center region has identified 4 Smart Specializations platforms and one of them related to Sustainable Industrial solutions is coordinated by the Cluster. This is also related to smart and sustainable manufacturing and living. (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/PT16/tags/PT16).
Victor Ferreira – www.centrohabitat.net – victorf@ua.pt
Cluster presentation
The SCS (Secured Communicating Solutions) World Class Cluster (www.pole-scs.org), is based in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, in France, and gathers more than 300 members, including companies (and 70% of SMEs), research centres and educational institutions in the fields of microelectronics, telecommunications and software. The cluster represents 60 000 jobs in these fields, 26 multinational companies, 1200 researchers in the public sector and 18 educational institutions training 1500 engineers per year.
Its aim is to promote the development of competitive R&D projects between all these players with the support of local communities, in order to design and develop new solutions targeting high-growth markets such as smart grids, smart cities, e-health, or e-payment. It also aims to contribute to the creation of an appropriate ecosystem for the overall regional ICT landscape, especially through the development of SMEs.
Its ambition is to be recognized as a key player in innovation in the three “Smart Specialisation Area” that constitute the core of its strategy:
- Contactless technologies (NFC, RFID);
- Networks (4G/LTE/IMS), M2M & mobile services;
- Digital security & identities.
The SCS cluster has been awarded with the ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis) Gold Label in July 2013, proving its gold standard excellence in terms of cluster management.
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
Key Enabling Technologies are one of the 6 priority axes defined by Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur Region in its Smart Specialization Strategy (S3). Among the KETs listed as key for Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, ICT and IoT are explicitly mentioned.
In particular, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur S3 states that the activities carried out by SCS cluster within the framework of its three main priority areas (contactless technology;networks, M2M & mobile services; security & digital identities) should be supported.
The importance of ICT and IoT has been confirmed with the approval in October 2016 of the 12 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur “Operations of Regional Interest”. Indeed, “Key Technologies” is one of these 12 Operations and mentions IoT, together with cybersecurity, contactless technology and big data, as one of its main focus. IoT will also play a key and cross-cutting role in other Operations of Regional Interest, in particular “Industry of the Future” and “Smart cities”.
Guilaume Roux – www.poe-scs-org – guillaume.roux@pole-scs.org>
- SYSTEMATIC PARIS_REGION (France – Ile-de-France Region)
Cluster presentation
Systematic Paris-Region: http://www.systematic-paris-region.org/
With its Open Innovation focus, the Systematic Paris-Region international competitiveness cluster is there to bring together and promote an ecosystem of excellence that counts over 800 members (460 SMEs). The companies are located in the Paris Region.
Systematic connects stakeholders from software, digital and industry, and boosts digital projects through collaborative innovation, SME development, networking and business sourcing, across a range of future growth sectors: energy, telecoms, healthcare, transport, information systems, factory of the future, digital city, and security.
The cluster promotes its members, its region and its innovation projects, with the aim of raising their profile and enhancing the attractiveness of the geographical territory and ecosystem.
Technology Fields: Augmented Reality - Cloud - Big Data - Open Data - Smart Cities - Smart Grids - Smart Systems - Factory of the Future - e-Tourism - Intelligent Transport System - Urban Mobility - Safety & (Cyber)Security - e-Health - Equipment for Healthcare - Photonics - Smart Lighting.
Industrial Sectors: Communications Equipment & Services - Information Technology & Analytical Instruments - Software & Digital Technologies.
The mission of SYSTEMATIC is to facilitate a collaborative R&D and enhance a technological transfer toward the European companies from the field of smart lighting in order to ensure a sustainable and inclusive growth.
In particular, the Network intends to pursue the following specific objectives:
- Support the digitalisation of the Smart Lighting industry
- Foster the (Cyber) security on devices for domotic technologies and IoT (Internet of Things)
- Enhancing the visibility of the products / services of the member companies
- Support to companies in their internationalisation business development
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
In the context of the EU Cohesion policies 2014-2020 the Paris Region (France) drew up its research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialization place-based.
It has identified, in particular, 6 (six) Smart Specializations: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/FR10/tags/FR10?s3pv=1
Systematic Paris-Region international competitiveness cluster is recognized for his skills to support new projects on Complex Systems Engineering and Software and Optics, Photonics.
Isabellle De Sutter – www.systematic-paris-region.org – isabelle.desutter@systematic-paris-region.org
Cluster presentation
The main goal of the CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, CCS (SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD) is to improve domestic and international competitiveness of its members through commercial cooperation and networking, R&D and innovation, education, training and policy action. The cluster was established in 2004 by construction companies and institutions in the fields of building design, consulting, engineering, contracting and production of building materials and products. It is an Economic Interest Grouping (not-for-profit). CSS is an open organization to all interested stakeholders in the construction sector and related technological domains
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
The Construction Cluster of Slovenia is aligned to the Smart Specialisation of the Slovenia Region (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/SI).
Vladimir Gumilar – www.sgg.si – vladimir.gumilar@sgg.si
- DOMOTYS (Spain – Catalunya Region)
Cluster presentation
Domotys, Cluster of the Homes, Intelligent Buildings and Cities, represents the interests of the companies, technological centers and universities that make up this sector. Since 2010 it has been recognized as a Group of Innovative Companies (AEI) by the Ministry of Industry, as well as Cluster of Domotics, Real Estate and Smart Cities Companies by the Generalitat of Catalonia. Domotys counts with 240 members and works across the whole value chain of the following sectors: home automation, sustainable construction and smart cities. Among its members includes manufacturers, engineering companies, integrators, installers, research and technological centers, specilized trainings, universities, etc.Domotys is a Bronze Label Cluster, by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI).
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
Domotys is aligned to the Smart Spcialisation of the Catalunya Region (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/ES51/tags/ES51).
Alba Alvarez – www.domotys.org – aalvarez@domotys.org
Cluster presentation
The European Lighting Cluster Alliance ELCA is a legal entity under Italian law, registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Padua as non-profit Association.
ELCA main objectives are:
- to strengthen the competiveness of the European lighting sector in the smart and connected lighting (S&CL)
- to accelerate growth within the sector, deployment of energy-efficient lighting solutions
- to contribute to societal benefits associated to lighting.
ELCA gathers local Lighting Cluster Initiatives in Europe.
ELCA works to increase the importance and priorities of S&CL on a European level, through:
- political and strategic work (participating in EU Commission and Parliament initiatives, task forces, groups, committees and as hearing partner)
- taking initiatives for applications and projects under relevant EU programs
- collaboration, coordination and exchange
- support for innovation, renewal and technological parts in the S&CL industry
ELCA supports its members’ local, regional and national position through adding of European perspectives and putting its authority as pan-European organization behind the members where possible and in accordance with its Statutes.
- Support to companies in their internationalization business development
Cluster alignment to regional Smart Specialization Strategy
In the context of the EU Cohesion policies 2014-2020 ELCA is aligned with the following S3 smart specialization strategies: Sustainable Living / home automation / energy / ICT
Antonella Venza – www.elcacluster.eu - antonella.venza@elcacluster.eu
Under the common approach of the clusters, the cyber security represents the main obstacle to introducing massively into the market the digital light and the IoT lighting objects.
Currently most of the required electronic technology is already available and some manufacturers of lighting fixtures and lighting control have already begun implementing a small-scale version of it. The main reasons why it has not truly been implemented is the impact it will have on the legal, ethical, security and social fields. Workers could potentially abuse it, hackers could potentially access it, corporations may not want to share their data, and individual people may not like the complete absence of privacy. Once the cybersecurity problem will be well targeted the IoT lighting fixtures could be introduced massively into the market.
Objectives and ambitions
The project aims to create safe and tested digital lighting items connected through correct cyber security protocols. These technologies will have, furthermore, important effects not only in the specific lighting sector but in all the other smart building sectors that each cluster will develop at the end of this project.
New LED lighting fixtures have the huge opportunity to bridge to IoT through connected lighting. This, adding energy saving services, reduced complexity and adding data management also.
IoT needs a dense network to allow these services. While we mainly use our cell phones as a bridge to the world for our apps in our private and consumer life, this is not as easy in the professional environment. Therefore, another bridge needs to be used. Light is the densest network of wired devices worldwide and this is a big chance for lighting to become the infrastructure and a core enabler for this technology (CSIL, “IOT, high range and LED scenarios”, december 2016)
IoT offers many new opportunities to established infrastructures, especially for lighting to become the connectivity backbone for IoT sensors and devices to offer new services and automations.
Added Value
Through the progress IT technologies, new products and new services are being developed, within an extended lighting value chain. Since lighting installations provide a regular grid of power supply both indoor and outdoor, lighting becomes a key element in the development of new functionalities (data collection and transfer, data supply, internet access, interfaces with users, management of data, etc.)..
This perspective offers qualitative and quantitative improvements and gains within health sectors, industry and work environments, personal life quality and functional ability (elderly people) as well as increased aesthetic values and attributes, being deployed in product design (automotive, building) as well as urban planning and development. This creates a huge demand for new solutions and products, recognizing the fact, that lighting installations become intelligent (smart) and part of urban communication and control systems (connected).
Assembling different European regions innovation focus actors will generate a far greater number of positives than what a simple addition let expect. Inviting around the table a vast number of region-specific skills will foster creativity and competitiveness of industries emerging from the digital revolution. With several thousand affiliated companies our consortium will be an invaluable asset for the smart building in Europe..
An important added value of this project will be ensured by the participation of the Association ELCA in this network. ELCA, as described, above, is a cluster, as association of 5 lighting clusters based in 5 different Countries (Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Danmark). The activities promotes by ELCA at EU level – meetings, newsletter, events… - will ensure a huge dissemination of the result obtained to many SMEs operating in the smart lighting sector.
Coordinating partner: The Italian Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto cluster will coordinate the activities.
Luce in Veneto represents, in fact, a cluster focused in the lighting sector with a high commitment to develop a cross-sectorial and cross-regional cooperation creating development environment for SMEs at EU level.
Full partners: All the clusters partners cited here above will contribute to most of the planned actions, and each of them is leading and promoting at least one action.
Networked partners: RTOs and Research Centers will be invited to participate to selected actions and exchange information with the consortium when appropriate.