REINA PLUS - Smart Energy
The proposed ESCP builds upon the existing ESCP-4i REINA PLUS. It aims to support energy technology companies to proactively deal with the disruption of business models and value chains in the energy field which is starting to happen across Europe. Already today, the traditional roles in energy production, distribution and consumption are disintegrating and new technologies and new market entrants are creating new dynamics. This is due to - among others - to digitisation (new possibilities to directly trade electricity between producers and manufacturers, more B2C models), the emergence of "energy prosumers", the increased influx of high-quality Chinese energy technologies (and resulting drops in prices - example: PV), the increase of electric mobility as well more serious efforts in energy and climate policies in many part of the world.
The ESCP focus area goes beyond the "smart grids" and "smart buildings" approaches as it will address the whole new value chain and include building, energy technology and mobility aspects.
The ESCP REINA PLUS - Smart Energy will position cluster companies in new European and global value chains and establish global leadership in new energy models. Among others, the ESCP aims to develop cluster strategies for "smart energy readiness" and set up road-maps for their partner businesses in this respect. It will work towards demonstration and pilot projects.
The ESCP welcomes especially clusters that meet the following profile: 1. Energy is a key element in the smart specialisation strategy of the region in which they are based in, 2. Sustainability and the reduction of carbon footprints is among the cluster objectives 3. A proven track record in European projects, 4. Companies in their network include technology leaders in specific areas. Clusters focus areas could, for example, include energy, construction, mobility, specialised IT solutions.