Romania - Support for SMEs during emergency state

By: Gabriela Magdalena Pirvu
Created: 20 April 2020 - 12:04
Updated: 20 April 2020 - 12:04

In order to survive during the application of the measures imposed by the state of emergency, in the fight against COVID-19, over 40,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in Romania are expected to enroll in the Governmental Program IMM INVEST ROMANIA. Potential beneficiaries will be able to provide liquidity for the current activity or for investments, by accessing guaranteed financing.

The program has two main components:

• For micro-enterprises and small enterprises: Loans with the state guarantee of maximum 90% of the value of the facility for credits for working capital. The maximum value granted for working capital is of maximum 500,000 lei in the case of micro-enterprise clients, respectively maximum 1 million lei in the case of small businesses.

• For SMEs: Credits with the state guarantee of maximum 80% of the value of the facility, for working capital loans and for investments. The maximum value of the credits for working capital cannot exceed the amount of 5 million lei, and of those for investments it cannot exceed the amount of 10 million lei.