The role of Social Economy & Civil society in the fight against COVID19
Social economy and civil society are key actors for local quick response in times of such a crisis like the COVID19. These efforts are often carried by ad-hoc solutions and social innovations, building on the foundations of their everyday activity:
- Local Social Services of aid and support as a direct respone to COVID19: food-banks, mobilizing volunteers, setting op platforms (offline and digital) for specific social services, aid and solutions, education continuity and technologic assistance for locals.
- Local trade continuity and stepping in for broken or 'disturbed value chains': rethinking local trade patterns and reorganizing business chains to maintain provision for essential goods (mainly food and basic goods or services such as mobility, internet access,...).
- Quick response production of specific (medical) materials: solidarity efforts to start production in cooperation between SME, citylabs, fablabs, research and social enterprises of essential goods (medical equipment and basic protective equipment). The digital commons world is one of the main drivers behind this proces.
To find out more about SE best practices, please consult our Online page. You wil find:
- Collection of good practices, links and initiatives per topic: webinars, platfroms, didital services, volunteer projects, Social enterprise action, funding, policy reaction, sector statements and research
- Overview of online sessions: minutes, links ans recordings. In these sessions we have invited several best practices to explain in detail there actions and support.
Creating strong links
Thanks Karel. It's crystal clear that this crisis is teaching us how important, critical in fact, is to quickly coordinate society and enterprises. There are numerous examples all accross Europe. One of them is the Alliance Against Coronavirus, promoted by the European Clusters Alliance in close collaboration with different social economy agents and yourself. We need to build upon it!