Education help for "digital school"

By: Vasco Lagarto
Created: 5 May 2020 - 09:05
Updated: 6 May 2020 - 12:05

The portuguese platform tech4COVID19 (, that joins more than 5,000 people (engineers, designers, marketers, health professionals, among many other specialities) to identify ways to fight COVID-19, implements a new service: Teachers4Covid J.

This service is created to help families to deal with "digital school". It provides free online explanations to the children of all those who fight the pandemic on a daily basis.

This movement is aimed at all professionals who are involved in the fight against COVID-19 and who are prevented from providing normal follow-up to their children's studies. This group includes health professionals, security forces or firefighters, but also workers from super- and hypermarkets or workers in factories in essential sectors.

To apply for this support, parents will need to register on the website and fill in the data of the child or young person who needs support. In the next 48 hours, a volunteer will be proposed, who will accompany the student online. In order to select the best option for each case, "this process is mediated by the Teachers4Covid volunteer team," that  already has 500 volunteers, including teachers, tutors and university students.

See additional services for the community here:

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