Circular Economy-what's next?

By: Vasco Lagarto
Created: 13 May 2020 - 12:05
Updated: 13 May 2020 - 12:05

On Monday, the 18th, at 14:00 (cet), there wil be a webinar to reflect on current developments and share their insight on Circular Economy WHAT’S NEXT?

"The whole world was making plans for the year 2020. So much vision for a sustainable world, so many plans to push Circular Economy. When we discussed Circular Economy during our annual Nordic Circular Economy Summit in February, the future seemed bright. "

- What has changed and how will the future look like post COVID-19?
- What will be the role of Circular Economy? 

REGISTRATION-All Webinars are offered free of charge, registration however is compulsory. Please send an email, no later than Friday May 15, to one of the email addresses: office [at] (office[at]fdcc[dot]eu) or events [at] (events@swedishcha)events [at] ( )

you can see additional information here

Forum: Events
Daniel Cosnita
13 May 2020
Circular Economy-what's next?

Thank you for sharing. You might find it useful to check also the post and maybe contact them for further discussions.

Aida Szilagyi
13 May 2020
Thanks Daniel! 


Thanks Daniel! 

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