Presentation of the PTCEs (Poles de Cooperation) in France (12/05/20)
In the session on 12 May 2020, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus looked at the French social economy clusters (Pôles territoriaux de coopération économique). They support territorial development and answer to local needs. Main activities include childcare, renewable energies, sustainable farming and feeding, job creation, and cultural activities. In their work, they struggle against delocalisation and promote local distribution networks. Universities, SMEs and local authorities can take part in them. The coronavirus crisis puts a spotlight on these organisations.
- Hugues Sibille, Labo de l’ESS
- Camille Henrio, PTCE Clusters JURA
What can we learn from the French social economy clusters? Which role can they play in rebuilding the economy? How can we work together?
Presentation_PTCE_Le Labo de l'ESS.pdf 20050412 Cluster Jura presentation.pdfReplies
Poles de Cooperation
Comment from Jaime Quesado:
The session today was very interesting. The Poles de Cooperation experience in France - complimentary to the one of the Poles de Competitivité, created in 2004 - is the confirmation that the commitment between economy and society is becoming more and more central in the response to this crisis. We need in fact active territorial entrepreneurs that are able to mobilize the different competences of the region and in this way create a new set of value - as Mariana Mazucatto defends - for the future.