Recommendations from the Basque Cybersecurity Center to be protected in times of Covid-19
In recent weeks, the number of cyber threats that use Covid-19 as a pretext has increased significantly. It is essential to adopt good practices to prevent exposure to these threats Awareness and caution, the best safety tips The Basque Cybersecurity Center- Basque Cybersecurity Center (BCSC) has detected in recent weeks a significant increase in cyber threats that are using the Covid-19 pandemic as a pretext. For this reason, since last week the reference center for cybersecurity in the Basque Country has been spreading a series of tips and good practices to deal with this situation. Specifically, it highlights the use of phishing, fraud in all its facets, the increase in domain registrations related to the coronavirus and the appearance of a food number of malicious programs, which use Covid-19 as a pretext.
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