Poland: Łukasiewicz-Institute of Aviation joins in helping the hospitals
The Institute of Aviation is one of the members of Silesian Aviation Cluster.
They offering research services of the top quality, guaranteed by employing highly qualified staff, using certified procedures and accredited laboratories, and delivery times in line with the client’s expectations.
Nowdays theirs laboratories, which serve the needs of the aviation industry on a daily basis, have been working intensively on the production of protective materials for health care for some time. They manufacture and produce protective visors, adapters for 3M masks and work on prototypes of fast ventilators.
Their teams are currently working in a two-shift mode to cope with the growing number of demands from hospitals from all over Poland.
Assistance has reached over 80 hospitals and medical facilities in 14 provinces. In total, they managed to produce 22 286 units of visors (MK4, MK1 i MK2).
More information about their activities you can find here: https://ilot.edu.pl/en/coronavirus/
Prototype of a "last chance" ventilator
The Institute of Aviation have actively joined the fight against the effects of the pandemic. This activities are carried out under the common name #ScienceShield.
According to tthis activities scientists from the Institute have built a prototype of a "last chance" ventilator.
The WentlLOT 1.0 pressure lung ventilator will be ready for medical tests in the coming days. After their positive transition and the directional decision of the Ministry of Development, it will be possible to start production of the equipment.
More infromation about their activities you can find here: https://ilot.edu.pl/tarczanaukowa-naukowcy-lukasiewicza-zbudowali-prototyp-respiratora-ostatniej-szansy/
Cooperation with WOŚP
The Institute of Aviation joined the national campaign to help doctors coordinated by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (foundation which once a year organizes concerts and collections of money for charity),
As part of the cooperation, the engineers produced and donated free of charge the first 300 mask adapters, which will soon be used by the ambulance stations as a personal protective device for physicians. Ultimately, the Institute will provide 2000 adapters of its own production free of charge.
Visors latest informations
The Institute of Aviation, together with its partners, provides protective visors for doctors and nurses made in CNC and 3D technology.
Currently, their help reached over 100 hospitals, medical institutions and institutions from 16 provinces. In total, they managed to produce 40 716 visors (including MK4-37 195, MK2 - 2 751, MK1 - 770).