MPowerBio empowers clusters to help SME overcome the "Valley of Death"
A new project, MPowerBio, kicked-off May 1 and will both benefit European clusters and their SME members. MPowerBIO is aimed at setting up and implementing a capacity building programme for SME clusters along with an integrated business support programme for their SMEs, empowering clusters to raise awareness and improve the investment readiness and pitching skills of their SMEs as well as building links with investors and directly connecting investment ready SMEs identified and supported at regional competitions with expert coaches, investors and business partners at a final event, where the regionally selected projects will pitch their investment and partnering opportunities in front of investors and potential partners. To this end, MPowerBIO will pursue the following SMART objectives:
- Co-design a capacity building programme and a business support programme
- Empowering 90 clusters to provide business support to 250 SMEs
- Online tools to support assessment of investment readiness
- E-learning tool for capacity building and training
- Regional competitions to build pitching skills
- Pan-European final events
- 72 SMEs develop relations with investors and potential partners
With the current Covid-19 situation the objectives of the project has become even more relevant and important with many SME struggling for capital and to grow in the months to come, so by developing their competences it will contribute to overcome the "Valley of Death".
This project has received funding under the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 887501. The project runs for 30 months and together with 9 strong European partners, Agro Business Park A/S, Denmark, as the lead partner, will implemented the project. For further information or to learn how your cluster could participate in the train-the-training programmes, please do not hesitate to contact Susanne Baden Jørgensen at Agro Business Park A/S, Denmark.
Expression of Interest
In Green Synergy Cluster we have recently joined the newly established Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking Ambassadors programme. This initiative is part of the CELEBio project and its goal is to create a network of ambassadors that will serve as a permanent point of access to information on BBI activities and opportunities for national economic operators.The Green Synergy Cluster has recently joined as a BBI Ambassador for Bulgaria. On one hand, the cluster will share information and promote bio-based opportunities to Bulgarian companies even after the end of the project in order to help with the development of the Bioeconomy in Bulgaria. And on the other hand, it will also be engaged along the project development to synchronise the project findings as well as updating on other activities that are affecting the outcomes of the Bioeconomy mapping in the country.
Contact us at: petar[at]
Thank you all
Dear Petar,
Thank you very much for your interest and hopefully we can create synergies.
I would also like to thank the 45 clusters which signed the Letter of Support for the application. This is a true team work recruited from the Enterprise Europe Network Thematic Group Clusters and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. We welcome and encourage more clusters to participate the project activities. You are welcome to contact me. Further from this article a German environment cluster and a Dutch food initiative have shown interest. Thank you!