Globalisation through clusters goes digital
Danish clusters are very active in the globalisation of SMEs. Before the Covid-19 crisis, Danish clusters were active in more than 60 countries supporting 1000s of SMEs going global every year.
Globalisation as we know it has changed rapidly. Maybe forever. But although international activities have been cancelled or postponed, globalisation has not: It has gone digital. That is the conclusion of a recent online session with internationalisation specialists from 15 Danish cluster organisations hosted by Cluster Excellence Denmark.
Global Investor Pitching: Companies still need investors, maybe more than ever. It is possible for cluster organisations to facilitate the links between international investors and innovative companies. Several Danish clusters have successfully hosted large events where international investors meet with Danish entrepreneurs online.And there is increased interest – from investors as well as companies.
Online International Matchmaking Events: International matchmaking is key for cluster members. Matchmaking is where they meet new possible collaboration partners. Many matchmaking events have gone online. First reports show significant increases in international participation in the online matchmaking events.
International Knowledge: Workshops and conferences are turned into webinars. Several clusters report that it is easier to attract international CEOs as speakers for webinars than for normal conferences – simply because they are not travelling around the world, and they can easily join webinars. This way new international knowledge is transferred to cluster members.
International Projects Meetings: Many international cluster activities are organised as projects with partners from around the world. Travel restrictions make it difficult for the collaboration partners to meet. Danish clusters report that the parties meet online instead. Even advanced project kick-off meetings can be managed through video meetings.
Read more here.