

28 March 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 h (CET)

Online (via GoTo Meeting)


This workshop belongs to the series of online workshops on “countries and regions initiatives supporting zero-emission road freight and logistics”  jointly organised by EMEurope and ALICE, with the support of the POLIS Network and the project ENTRANCE.

In this workshop, co-organised by Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and CALSTART/Drive to Zero, information about the Dutch strategies and funding measures, as well as examples of case studies to support zero-emission road transport will be presented. The aim is to bring together representatives of companies, research, cities, and (national/regional) policymakers to share information on current and planned incentive schemes, especially about research and innovation (R&I) programmes to accelerate the transition towards zero-emission road freight transport and logistics in European regions and countries.



09.45: Virtual meeting room open

10.00: Opening and welcome

10.05: Introduction to the Dutch targets and instruments towards zero emission road freight*

10.35: Sharing experiences with electric transport in the Netherlands*

  • Marie-José Baartmans, managing director of Breytner

11.00: Dutch National Charging Infrastructure Agenda & specific activities towards charging needs at industrial compounds*

11.30: Zero emission zones and zero emission city logistics*

  • Jos Streng, Transport Policy Advisor of the City of Rotterdam

12.00: End of the workshop

* These agenda points include Q&A with participants

You can Download agenda here.


Register here

You can also contact Pablo Segura at pablo.segura@etp-alice.eu for fast registration.

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