WestMED Network of Maritime Clusters meeting recap
In a meeting on 16 March, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus welcomed Leonardo Manzari, WestMED Initiative, Italy, Colin Ruel, Pôle Mer Meditérranée, Ruben Eiras, Fórum Oceano, and Ezzedine Kacem, Cluster Maritime Tunisien, who presented the WestMED Network of Maritime Clusters to the group.
The network is made up of Western Mediterranean countries and aims to create a safer and more secure maritime space, supporting the development of a smart and resilient blue economy, and achieving a better governance of the sea.
The WestMED initiatives builds on a network of national hubs to implement a common blue economy agenda. The network has working groups for sustainable transport, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable tourism, blue skills, and the alliance of clusters.
The strong stakeholder network behind its activities, such as the Pôle Mer Meditérranée, Fórum Oceano, and Cluster Maritime Tunisien, offer different services and collaboration opportunities.
The morning session are open to everyone. You can watch the full recording from the session below.
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