Webinars by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform: “The Covid-19 industrial cluster response: solutions for dealing with ecosystem supply chain disruptions” by the European Commission, featuring the European Cluster Alliance
Since the very first hours of the Covid-19 crisis, European industrial clusters have shown an extraordinary capacity to spot the needs, adapt and react to address this extraordinary challenge. Thanks to their collaboration, solutions were found to address supply chain disruptions. Also following a call from the European Commission, the European Cluster Alliance mapped production capacities in Europe for medical supplies with the view to support the matching between demand and supply in the best and most efficient way.
The work of the European Cluster Alliance can be an inspiration for economic reconstruction in the aftermath of the crisis. The European Commission would like to further share, take stock and discuss this experience with the wider community of industrial clusters and beyond.
We have the pleasure to invite you to a two-session webinar. The first session takes place on Tuesday 28th April 2020, from 10:30 until 12:30 via WebEx Training.
The purpose of this first session will be to present the work and achievements of the European Cluster Alliance in addressing the disruptions in the value chains, with concrete cases.
The webinar will be participatory, with room for open discussion with the audience.
Introduction will be delivered by Dr Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit in charge of industrial clusters within the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission. Discussions will be moderated by Commission officials.
The agenda and more information will be provided closer to the webinar.
You can register here.
This session will pave the way and introduce the second session that will take place within a month. The focus of the second session will be on the role of industrial clusters in re-launching the economy and recovery strategies across Europe.
This webinar aims at supporting COSME and ENI countries and therefore, only the participants from COSME and ENI countries are allowed to take part in this event. The list of COSME countries can be found here (https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/other_eu_prog/cosme/legal/3rd-country-participation_en.pdf). The list of ENI countries can be found here (https://www.euneighbours.eu/en/policy/european-neighbourhood-instrument-eni). The corrigendum applies as of 27th April 2020.
Looking forward to welcoming you at the webinar!
Kind regards, Your Cluster Team European Commission, DG GROW