The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative has launched its third Call for Proposals
Deadline: 30th of March 2018
In the framework of supporting innovative actions in the area of sustainable urban development , the European Commission launched in 2015 the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative, in order to identify and test new solutions which address issues related to sustainable urban development and are of relevance at Union level.
The specific character of the UIA Initiative is to provide urban authorities across Europe with resources to test bold and unproven ideas addressing interconnected challenges and experiment how these respond to the complexity of real life. In this respect the supported projects shall be innovative, of good quality, designed and implemented with the involvement of key stakeholders, result oriented and transferable. Urban authorities should seize the opportunity offered by the UIA Initiative to move from “normal projects” (that could be financed through “traditional” sources of funding, including mainstream European Regional Development Fund (ERDF ) Programmes and take the risk to turn ambitious and creative ideas into prototypes that can be tested in real urban settings. In other words, UIA can support pilot projects that are too risky to be funded by traditional sources of funding provided that they are highly innovative and experimental.
The importance of the project is pointed out by the Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu : "The Urban Innovative Actions give cities the funding they need to turn their good ideas into ground breaking projects that can inspire other cities in Europe. This 3rd call, focused on urban climate actions, is another brick to the wall of our commitments and achievements under the Paris Agreement, just a few days after the One Planet summit in Paris."
Within the UIA Initiative, the third Call for Proposals, opened on December 15, is focused on four urban topics: adaptation to climate change, air quality, housing, jobs and skills in the local economy.
For this Call an indicative budget of between EUR 80-100 million is allocated. The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is the 30th of March 2018.
Please consult the documents needed for developing a project proposal, including detailed description of the four Call topics and eligibility criteria by using this link.
The UIA Initiative is an instrument of the European Union and is managed by the European Commission’s (EC) Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy under indirect management.