TRACE-KEI 5th News release: Value Chain Analysis
The 5th TRACE-KEI - TRAns-national Collaboration Empowering Key European Industries News release was issued.
All TRACE-KEI clusters performed value chain analysis in the three relevant sectors – Agro-food, ICT and Energy. The main goal of the this task was to provide clusters’ managers with global view and better perspective about value-chains their associates cover and to know the positioning of each cluster member on a value chain both in terms of identifying potential synergies and market positioning.
The analysis of the value chains included most of the companies of each cluster, their position in the different value chains and the possible synergies between the emerged value-chains.
By this mapping exercise, TRACE-KEI partners concluded that associated companies may discover new markets, internal and international ones, when cross-collaborations are better exploited. Moreover, the cooperation among TRACE-KEI clusters where the nexus ICT-Food-Energy is represented may help to face more promising challenges to meet the Industry 4.0 strategy and the EU Bioeconomy agenda.
Please find more interesting information as well as some examples of the established value chains by sectors in the attached document.