For the tourism/CCI clusters, an interesting call is open

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 02 May 2017

Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to cultural and creative industries

Deadline for Submission of proposals is 29 June 2017 17.00 hours (Brussels time).

With a total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects estimated at EUR 1,500,000, this call for proposals, managed by EASME, aims at co-funding projects developing and promoting transnational tourism products related specifically to the CCI subsector cultural heritage. A particular focus will be put on using CCIs-related technologies in promoting these tourism products and enhancing visitor's experience.

The specific objectives of this call for proposals are to:

  • Strengthen transnational cooperation with regard to European cultural heritage and tourism;
  • Raise awareness of European cultural heritage and increase its value, attractiveness and its potential for the development of the tourism sector;
  • Encourage the development and diversification of the supply of tourism products and services by enhanced promotion of transnational thematic tourism products related to cultural heritage;
  • Strengthen cross-border cooperation and the management skills of public or private bodies in charge of developing and promoting transnational thematic tourism products related to cultural heritage;
  • Better market uptake and visibility of attractive European transnational tourism products focused on European cultural heritage;
  • Enhance the competitiveness of the European tourism product through the use of CCIrelated technologies;
  • Create solid public-private partnerships and ensure cross-fertilisation of knowledge and experience between the participating destinations/organisations.

Applicants are free to propose any kind of activities, fulfilling, as a minimum, all of the following four areas:

1. Develop a transnational tourism product related to European cultural heritage and the facilitation of its market uptake after the end of the project's co-financing period;

2. Promote and enhance the visibility of a transnational tourism product related to European cultural heritage by using CCIs-related technologies through joint transnational promotioncommunication activities and by, among others, providing comprehensive and practical information to potential tourists and other tourism stakeholders;

3. Facilitate public-private partnerships and the integration of tourism enterprises, in particular small and micro enterprises, as well as public authorities, in the supply chain of transnational tourism products as well as into regional development and tourism promotional strategies;

4. Increasing SMEs skills and opportunities in transnational cooperation and developing tourism products related to European cultural heritage.

Please find more details on the call here.

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