Sustainable Blue Economy call for proposals
Deadline: 28/02/2018
With an allocated indicative budget of EUR 3,000,000, the strand 3 of EASME call for proposals "Sustainable Blue Economy" aims at accelerating the development of the blue economy in the Mediterranean through closer cooperation between public and private maritime stakeholders from the EU and its partner countries in the Mediterranean. It will support skills, innovation, entrepreneurship as well as job diversification and local communities' empowerment. Both applicants from EU Member States and applicants established in a Mediterranean partner country are eligible to participate.
Specific objectives
a) promote networking and collaboration between marine and/or maritime, port and logisticsrelated education and training institutes in the Mediterranean to develop relevant skills and promote maritime professions in cooperation with business and public authorities;
b) promote networking between maritime clusters in the Mediterranean to produce concrete results in terms of maritime innovation and maritime technologies, business development and innovation (including boosters, business angels and start-ups) and skills development;
c) pilot twinning of fisheries local coastal communities in the western Mediterranean based on the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) approach to produce concrete results in areas such as diversification of fishing activities, both within and outside commercial fisheries and including tourism, pesca-tourism, sustainable aquaculture development and skills development, with a particular emphasis on women and youth.
Expected results/impacts
For specific objective a)
- Enhanced cooperation and new synergies between the sectors of education, training and business in the Mediterranean;
- New high quality common education and training offer matching the local or regional needs of the blue economy in the Mediterranean;
- Increased student/teachers mobility between education and training organisations and business;
- Improved ocean literacy and increased visibility and attractiveness of maritime professions.
For specific objective b)
- Improved technology/research uptake by the market;
- Improved business model innovation;
- Increased investment in maritime economic activities.
For specific objective c)
- Increased participation of local actors and civil society in decision-making processes and in the governance of local fisheries resources and maritime activities;
- Increased diversification of jobs in the targeted local/coastal communities;
- Empowerment of targeted local communities in the western Mediterranean including young people and women;
- Improved quality of the marine environment and environmental performance of fisheries in the area concerned.
More details on targeted activities and their geographical scope, eligibility criteria as well as award criteria and evaluation procedure are available here.
This is stand 3 of the 4 strands of the call for proposals "Sustainable Blue Economy" aiming at delivering concrete actions to support key European Commission policy initiatives in the fields of: innovation (de-risking investment in demonstration projects for the blue economy), environment (e.g. fighting marine litter), cooperation for a sustainable blue economy and better ocean governance in the Mediterranean sea basin.