Survey: Clusters in the circular economy

Submitted by Lee Gibson on 03 September 2020

Last year Cluster Excellence Denmark published the booklet 'Clusters in the Circular Economy', which focused on the role of clusters in circular transformation.

Since then, however, COVID-19 has had a major impact in all walks of life across the globe, including cluster ecosystems and the development of green initiatives.

The authors are now looking to update the booklet in light of the recent developments and have launched an online survey seeking the views of cluster organisations.

"Clusters are close to the companies and the markets. Therefore, we are seeking intel from clusters on how COVID-19 has influenced the circular transition of SMEs," said Kaspar Nielsen, Chief Project Manager for Cluster Excellence Denmark.

"If you are working in a cluster organisation please help us by filling in this survey on your experiences with circular transition and projects."

The survey is part of the Circular PP Project and developed by Cluster Excellence Denmark in collaboration with TCI Network.

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