Successful cluster delegation trip to Canada

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 30 October 2017

Strongly supported by GTAI (Germany Trade and Invest) and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, a delegation from Cool Silicon including its members First Sensor, Fraunhofer ENAS and the newly founded Research Fab Microelectronics by Fraunhofer visited Canada last week.

Canada as an interesting market as well as its cluster structure was only very recently featured by ECCP already (Canada analysis reports).

Within the 4 day trip that led the delegation to Toronto and Ottawa, several interesting spots for micro- and nanoelectronics as well for photonics were visited, e.g. McMaster University, the Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre or the Ottawa Photonics Lab and Advanced Research Centre.

In individual B2B meeting the participants made far more than 50 new contacts that hopefully can be leveraged for a further internationalisation of the R&D work within the cluster.

Prominent examples here are the DMZ by Ryerson University, the Supercluster Initiative or the National Research Council Canada.
Of course the delegation also highlighted the opportunities for companies to open branches in Eastern Germany, in particular Saxony, backed up by testimonials such as PeerGroup, a Canadian company which by now makes 40% of their turnover due to the local office in Dresden.

Again a big thank you to all supporters of this trip and of course best of luck to our members for enhancement of the started cooperations!

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