Study on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe
The European Commission’s Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) has published a study on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe.
The aim of this study is to gather evidence to determine whether the delivery of public innovation support in Europe has improved since the consultation of 2009.
To this end, the specific objectives of the study were to provide an understanding of:
- factors hampering innovation in SMEs, particularly in light of recent technology and market developments
- the forms of innovation support received by SMEs
- the level of satisfaction of SMEs regarding the support received
- gaps in existing SME innovation support
- the effectiveness and impact of the INNOSUP actions funded under H2020
The study considered a wide range of instruments supporting innovation in SMEs at European, national and regional levels.
Read the full study attached here.