Specific Call of the EU-LAC Foundation and SEGIB on "Competitive Clusters"

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 19 April 2017

Deadline: May 7, 2017 at 23.59 Hamburg time

The EU-LAC Foundation and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) are launching a call for proposals for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of expertise for the above-mentioned activity.

Since 2014 the EU-LAC Foundation launched its Polos de Competitividad/Competitive Clusters7 initiative with the objective of identifying, analysing and putting into perspective the conditions for territorial competitiveness as a basis for the reinforcement or emergence of bi-regional value chains inclusive of more SMEs. 

The SEGIB has also been promoting the increase of productivity and competitiveness based on knowledge and its transformation into innovation, by fostering the interaction between the productive sector and the institutions and fields of transmission and generation of knowledge, in order to foster social cohesion in the region.

Both institutions have also promoted the strengthening of the capacities of SMEs in the region; as well as public policies and initiatives aimed at promoting SME competitiveness and internationalization.

The aim of the project is to bring together players of such territories so that they can exchange on their best practices and interact, in order to:

  • Identify common positive parameters of competitive districts across the two regions;
  • Identify “models” for these positive parameters. These models would not be closed and binding but rather take stock of the best examples – and therefore accept and value cultural differences – that can be inspiring for others;
  • Trigger or reinforce cooperation between regions in order to progress together by integrating these models;
  • Issues related to competitive clusters development and internationalisation in both regions, that could help to identify possible policies aimed to foster bi-regional collaboration

The project will be undertaken with a limit of maximum 63,000 Euros (plus value-added tax to be paid directly by the EU-LAC Foundation as regulated by German Law).

Please find more information on the project in the attached Terms of Reference, and here all application documents for the Specific Call of the EU-LAC Foundation and SEGIB on "Competitive Clusters".

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Terms of reference.pdf 1.61 MB
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Mexico Brazil Chile Colombia Other Countries in Latin America
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