Sodium-vapour lamps replaced with LEDs and smart lighting controls
Motion-guided light hits the spot!
- A lighting refit in a logistics centre in Finland saves on energy and helps the environment
- 75 % saving on light costs recorded with a payback on investment of around 6 years
PostNord is a major supplier of communications and logistics solutions to, from and within the Nordic region. The company also ensures the postal service to households and businesses in Sweden and Denmark. Services are based on a strong distribution network, and they include options for digital communication, e-commerce, distribution and logistics. The parent company is a Swedish public limited company headquartered in Solna.
In spring 2015, 850 old sodium-vapour lamps at PostNord’s logistics centre in Vantaa, Finland were replaced with energy efficient and smartly guided LED lights, which had a marked impact on PostNord’s lighting costs at the facility. The centre’s surface area is 28 000 m2, which corresponds to the area of five normal sized football fields.
The LEDs can be supplied with motion detectors and smartly guided according to usage needs. Lights will be turned on between shelves when forklift trucks approach them whereas those shelf areas having no motion will stay dark. The smart guidance will also suspend remarkably the lifecycle of the light units.
PostNord has metered the energy use of both the old and new lighting systems. The new technology saves as much as 75 % in lighting costs compared to the old solution. The total energy use of PostNord’s logistics centre in Vantaa has decreased 42 % thanks to the lighting renewal.
Key benefits·
Intalling the smart motion-guided LED lighting resulted in a number of gains:
- 75 % saving on lighting costs
- Improved work safety, efficiency and comfort
- Environmental benefits from total energy use reduction of 42 %
The payback time for the investment was estimated to take six years.
Information about choosing the energy efficient lightning (available in Finnish),