SerenDPT Event
📢 The “Blue Economy and the Venice Lagoon" event is organized by Sea the Change S.r.l. and SerenDPT - Serenissima Development and Preservation through Technology, a Benefit Company based in hashtag#Venice whose mission is to contribute to repopulating the city by inspiring and supporting the creation of new hashtag#JobOpportunities.
The aim of the event is to redesign the relationship between hashtag#Venice and its hashtag#LagoonEcosystem, not only as a resource to be preserved but as an opportunity for development and entrepreneurial innovations.
🌊 hashtag#MedBANProject is particularly proud of this event because of its role: SerenDPT was among the winners of the Innovation, Training and Twin Transformation of Businesses (ITTT) call issued by hashtag#MedBAN to promote a greener, more digital and more resilient hashtag#BlueEconomy.
What a better reason to join the event?
➡️ Register now:
📌 H3 Factory, Giudecca 624/625 Campo San Cosmo 30133 Venezia