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Are you a cluster or SME in IT? 

L3CE, the Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education, is launching the SecurIT project.  

The launch event will take place virtually on 21 December and will focus on the opportunities for European IT SMEs. The project is receiving €3.5 million from the European Commission for innovative cyber-security solutions which can be tested and validated with the potential to be used in a large enterprise or public authorities. 

The webinar will explain how this financing will be organised, how to prepare and how to apply to the open call. In early January the SecurIT partners will organise a matchmaking event to help innovative SMEs meet potential product users. The call will open on 25 January 2022 and will be open for 3 months. The key goal of this info session is to ensure that SMEs can start preparing for their application and have an increased chance at success. 

Don’t miss out! 

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