Save the date: Launch of the KATANA call for applications for SMEs and entrepreneurs
On 1st December 2016, KATANA, a project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2015 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", will publish a call for applications for SMEs and single entrepreneurs from the agrifood value chain (farmers, food producers, retailers, nutritionists etc.), ICT and internet based SMEs, SMEs active in emerging industries (e.g. eco sustainability, mobile markets, and functional foods).
KATANA will provide the best 100 applicants with 2,000 euros funding while the best 10 teams in terms of market attractiveness and performance will be granted 100,000 euros each. In addition to that, participants receive business services worth 20,000 euros including 14 pan-European matchmaking events, a three days onsite Bootcamp and an international Investment Forum where participants get the chance to pitch their ideas in front of market players and investors.
More information on the call is available on the project website ( Please also note that the call has been published on the Participant Portal ( ... itive.html).