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The RECIPROCITY project is set to host the upcoming Mobility Mission in Istanbul, Turkey, from May 24th to May 26th, 2023. The Mobility Mission is an essential part of the project as it allows project partners and stakeholders to witness innovative mobility solutions first-hand and learn about their implementation. During this event, follower cities will learn from the experience of innovative and successful projects and transfer this knowledge to their own projects.

Istanbul is an excellent location for the Mobility Mission, with a population of over 15 million inhabitants, and a major mobility showcase with inspiring use cases that involve not only urban and road-based but also integrated sea and rail mobility that spans peri-urban and rural areas as well as multiple urban hubs.

The Istanbul Mobility Mission agenda includes visits to Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) facilities for integrated multi-modal mobility coordination and management, as well as innovation hubs that have incubated various different start-ups that have moved on to provide internationally acclaimed mobility solutions. Participants will also visit the OPINA Open Innovation Autonomous Vehicle Development and Testing Platform Project on the last day of the mission.

The RECIPROCITY project invites cities, service providers, External Advisory Board Members, or other European mobility stakeholders to be part of the Mobility Mission in Istanbul. Applications for travel vouchers are open, and partial funding may cover travel and hospitality costs, up to €800 per trip for those attending all three days. The deadline to apply for travel vouchers is April 30th, 2023.




    FRIDAY, MAY 26:

    Istanbul Okan University (OKAN) Transport Technologies and Intelligent Automotive Systems Application and Research Center (TTIS)

    • 10:30 – 11:15: Presentations by Konya Metropolitan Municipality (Smart Bike System) and Tuzla Municipality (Solar-powered pedestrian pathway)
    • 11:15 – 12:30 Business Model Workshop and Review of take-aways from the MM
    • 12:30 Lunch at OKAN
    • End of MM

Learn more and register HERE.