Questionnaire on collaboration networks of KETs technology centres

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 11 October 2017

Are you interested in European networks of Technology Centres in the field of Key Enabling Technologies?

Make your voice heard by answering to the questionnaire on this.

Please invite technology centres and other experts to answer too.

IDEA Consult is doing a study for the Commission based on the mapping of technology centres active in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs).

The study will include recommendations on European networks of technology centres in KETs. The objective of these networks is to deliver innovation services in KETs to SMEs across Europe.

Your answers to the questionnaire will feed into the recommendations.

The questionnaire will ask you, for example:

  • in which technology area are new European networks necessary?
  • should these networks focus on one technology?
  • which innovation services should be delivered to SMEs in priority?
  • what are the best practices to work with SMEs?
  • how to reach out to SMEs across Europe?

Your answers will be processed anonymously. 

The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to answer all questions.

Contact and helpdesk
KETsTechnologyCentresTeam [at] 

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