Public consultation on Smart Specialisation: a fresh approach to the European growth and jobs through regional innovation strategies
The objective of this public consultation is to collect views and suggestions, to understand challenges and to identify good practises and lessons learnt from the different categories of stakeholders and regions for the further development of research and innovation driven growth through "Smart specialisation strategies".
Target groups:
This consultation is open to all citizens and stakeholders of the EU interested in innovation driven growth in the Cohesion Policy. Contributions are particularly sought from stakeholders that are actively involved in making innovation happen in the EU, such as:
- Businesses of all sizes and in all sectors
- Business support organisations including cluster organisations
- Public authorities, including managing authorities
- Higher education and vocational training institutions
- Science and technology parks
- Incubators and accelerators
- Technology transfer, Intellectual Property Rights management advisors, and other innovation brokers
- Researchers and research organisations
- Civil society organisations interested in finding innovative solutions for societal challenges
- Public procurers
- Business angels, venture capital firms and other types of investors in innovative businesses
- Trade unions and employees' organisations
Period of consultation
From 21.12.2016 to 24.03.2017
For submitting your contribution please click here
Regional smart specialisation
Smart growth
public consultation
Growth through innovation
industry policy