Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe
The high-level conference in Brussels on 4 June 2019 takes place in the context of the ongoing initiative of the European Commission on “Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe” (October 2017 – September 2019), that is coordinated by PwC.
Experts from all over Europe will discuss the challenges that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are facing in the general context of rapid technological and social changes that force every high-tech company to regularly advance the skills of its employees, how online training as a cost-effective, flexible and accessible way to educate staff, addresses the learning realities and needs of modern SMEs.
The conference will focus on the measures for policy makers and practitioners that reflect how today’s SMEs operate and learn, and that would truly support SMEs with their (digital) learning journey. It will bring together policy makers, hands-on practitioners and industry professionals, including course developers and publishers, with a shared interest in technology-enhanced learning.
Register here for the conference. The number of places is limited.
Please find more details on the event here.
The event is published on PwC Netherlands website here. © 2015 - 2019 PwC. PwC