In June, the Photonics Community comes together at LASER. World of Photonics in Munich.
Join the Photonics4Industry ClusterXChange for exciting days of
- networking,
- matchmaking and
- exploring different aspects of photonics.
Starting on Monday, June 26th with a pre-show company tour and matchmaking the event will offer a workshop with insights in current topics, followed by several thematic tours on the show floor, getting insights into our members‘ technologies:
- Industrial Machine Vision
- Laser Sources
- Biophotonics
- Optical Metrology
- Quantum Technology
- Optical Components and Materials
Link to the programme
Interested? Please register until June 18th. We look forward to meeting you!
This ClusterXChange is part of the Photonics4Industry project. Photonics4Industry is Co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101037888. Project Duration: 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2024.
Cluster organisation