Open invitation for proposals to host a TCI conference in 2019

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 21 February 2018

TCI Network is in the process of selecting candidate organizations to host a TCI conference, who demonstrate creative capabilities to make a unique and interesting proposal, with a proven record in supporting programs on competitiveness and cluster development and in organising world class events in this field. 

TCI is looking for hosts to organise our next conferences in 2019, among them:

  • the 22nd TCI Global Conference
  • the CLAC – TCI Latin American Conference
  • and other regional and thematic conferences and workshops

TCI invites you to consider whether you and your colleagues may be willing to host a next meeting of the TCI Network in your city/region in 2019.

Submission of Proposals:

  1. Write to Patricia Valdenebro, CEO TCI Network, pvaldenebro [at] (pvaldenebro[at]tci-network[dot]org). She will send you the full RFP document with complete information about the requirements to host the conference. It is the responsibility of the Proponent to obtain further information and clarification of the requirements, prior to submitting a Proposal. Please note that we will only answer organizations that actively support programs on competitiveness and cluster development. Requests from convention bureaus will not be replied.
  2. Proponents must send Patricia Valdenebro a proposal signed by an authorized official by 13 April 2018 (by email). All submissions must include the complete information required in the RFP. TCI will review this information and might ask for clarification/revision of certain items.
  3. TCI will communicate the selected Host on 31 May 2018. The venue will be officially announced and presented at the 21st TCI Global Conference on 17 October 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

We hope you find this an interesting opportunity to increase the international visibility of your organisations, cities and regions within the global cluster community.


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