Open call: ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC)
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity invites researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects that address the challenges of sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity as integral and essential parts of sustainable urban development.
With the shared ambition to create and test new solutions and approaches for sustainable mobility, 16 countries are pooling resources to implement a series of calls for research and innovation projects as well as accompanying measures to create highest impact.
> All details on the call and how to apply
> Read the call text
Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom.
> List of funding agencies and national contact points
Call challenges
The call is divided into five challenges that need to be responded in order to move towards realising sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity for all, taking advantage of current solutions and approaches:
Challenge 1: Evolving solutions for an integrated approach on sustainable urban physical mobility and transport, land use and digital connectivity
Challenge 2: Develop and support the implementation of innovative mobility systems and services with a potential to contribute to sustainable urban mobility
Challenge 3: Transform and re-organise urban spaces to pave the ground for sustainable urban mobility and accessibility at local level, from the street scale to the district
Challenge 4: Develop effective policy options for achieving a shift towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity
Challenge 5: Change behaviours and perspectives towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity
Pre-proposal deadline: 17 March 2020
Invitations to submit full proposal: May 2020
Full proposal deadline: 22 September 2020
Funding decisions announced: December 2020
Start of projects: December 2020-March 2021
Projects end: 2024 Events in this call In addition to events and webinars, interested actors are welcome to the LinkedIn group “Networking in ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity” for self-organised networking and matchmaking. Join the group here! Matchmaking Event 13 January 2020, 16.00-18.30, Washington (in connection to the annual Transportation Research Board Conference). Register today! Information Webinar for Applicants 22 January, 13.00-14.30, online. Register today! Matchmaking Webinar 27 January, 13.00-14.30, online. Register today! Further information If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you are in touch with your national contact point for the call. For questions on the general call process and proposal submission, please contact the call secretariat: Agence Nationale de la Recherche,
Aurélien Gaufrès and/or Pascal Bain
E-mail: enuac [at] (enuac[at]anr[dot]fr)
The call was published on jpi-urbaneu website here.