North-Savo Agri-Food Cluster receives a boost for growth

Submitted by Kaisa Kähkönen on 03 August 2023

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Agri-Food cluster’s development work gets a major boost forward through new project funding. The aim of this new Agri-Food Network project is to increase mutual cooperation and innovation between R&D organizations and food chain companies regionally, nationally, and internationally. The project strengthens the activities of the Agri-Food Cluster North Savo and its role as a key actor in developing the food chain in the Pohjois-Savo region.

The goal is to understand the needs of and increase commitment of related R&D organizations and companies to the cluster's operations and to create customer-oriented services for both cluster members and external target groups. The Agri-Food Network project expands regional cooperation to cover the entire food production chain, from initial production to processing to consumer-facing markets. The main focus of the project is internationalization and the utilization of international networks to enable the development of the cluster, business growth, and R&D investments. The project supports the green transition and sustainable operating methods in the food chain in Pohjois-Savo and its organizations. In addition, the goal of the project is to expand the utilization of various technological and digital solutions in the development of the food chain.

The main coordinator of the Agri-Food Network project is Savonia University of Applied Sciences, and the partners are Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education, and ProAgria Itä-Suomi ry. Regional development organizations and food chain companies have committed to be partners in the project.

More information:
Project manager, cluster coordinator, Kaisa Kähkönen, +35844 785 6158,

Cluster organisation
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